30 September 2012


Today is day one of the 90 day transformation project, and I am so excited to be embarking on this journey. Not only will this be an amazing experience for myself, but it will also be an amazing experience for all of you. Over the past few days, I have received over 250 emails from beautiful souls all over the world who have committed to coming on this journey with me by completing their very own 90 day project too. 

To all of you who have emailed me, I love you. Seriously. You are amazing. I am so excited to share this journey with you and I cannot wait to see what we create.

When I initially decided to embark on this little project, I had planned to keep it to myself and work on it in my own time. While this seemed like the easy option, there was a deeper inner voice that was calling me to step up, play bigger and share this project and my journey.

This voice was calling me to be authentic by showing you all I am walking my talk. But it was also calling me to be vulnerable. It can be scary to share ourselves wholly and completely with others, and to declare our inner most desires to the world. My little soul knew that this would be a challenge for me, and would require me to really step up and shine my light. It knew that I would have to grow and stretch in order to embrace this challenge, and that is exactly why it called me to do it. 

So here I am. Listening to the call.

And here you are too.


(Note: Since recording this VLOG, I have received even more emails, and there are now over 250 people embarking on this project. Is that cool or whaaat!?)

The lesson for week one is to declare your dreams. You should have received an email from me in your inbox with your worksheet for this first week. This worksheet is filled with exercises and activities to support you in sharing your dreams with the universe, giving them lost of attention, energy and focus and it also helps you create some powerful action steps to move you closer to your dreams.

This week I want to you step up.

Be courageous. 

Tell the world who you want to be. 

And I am going to do the same.

In the above VLOG I share with you my goals and intentions for the next 90 days and the 3 actions steps I am committed to taking over the next week to start making them a reality.

Yay!!  Here's to sharing our dreams fearlessly, whole-heartedly and unashamedly! 

This week, I also want to you connect.

Reach out.

Get up close and personal with your community of peeps who are on the same journey you are. 

Allow them to be your cheerleaders. In order to do this, please head over to the 90 Day Transformation Project Facebook Group and request to join. It is a closed group and it will be a special place for you all to share your journey with each other.


If you are embarking on this project, I really want to encourage you to do the work. Get your journal and work step by step through the exercises I have recommended.

This only works, if you work it.

Follow the steps on the worksheet which include:

+ Getting your dreams out of your head and on to paper. This makes them more real not only to you, but also to the Universe. Use the format I recommend on the worksheet to write them so that you are programming your brain with the message that by the end of the year, these dreams will be a reality.

+ Dig deep and find the courage to share your dreams with others. Tell your partner, your friends, your family. Get someone to hold you unequivocally accountable.

+ Write a post on the 90 Day Transformation Project facebook group wall declaring your goals and intentions and telling the group what you plan to achieve in the next 90 days

+ Dedicate mental energy to your desires. Review your goals daily. Say them outloud. Declare them proudly. Harness your imagination and visualise using the method I recommend on the worksheet.

+ Choose your 3 actions steps for this week. Then, write a post on the 90 Day Transformation Project facebook group wall declaring these action steps and your commitment to taking over the next week in order to take you closer to making your dreams a reality

And finally, I want to leave you with the following message

And you totally and utterly rock xx


  1. So many HUGS, KISSES, and affection to you for doing this and sharing! So proud and glad to be on this journey with you and YOU assisting us. YOU ARE UTTERLY AMAZING! Just saying. :)

  2. This looks fantastic. I've just recently started a blog, which main focus is on personal growth and transformation. So, uhhh, PERFECT timing for this program!
    I have sent an email today, so fingers crossed I'm not too late.
    I'm new to your blog, but it looks fantastic. I hope that WE can all help YOU in reaching your dreams as well.x

    1. Psst, I just did a blog post that features you, Connie. I hope that's ok, super grateful for your inspiration!

  3. Love it Connie! Super excited to be on board. Thank you for sharing this journey with us all, what an angel xx

  4. Thanks Connie for this amazing project, I'm incredibly keen and excited.

  5. I wish you and all the participants lots of luck and energy in the path you star today. I'm not joining since sincerely I don't think I would follow properly (plus, still don't have a clear image of that big dream, that big objective : ) ), but I believe you are so talented and generouse to share this. Kind regards.

  6. Connie my beautiful friend, you are so inspirational! Amazing work. xoxo

  7. woo hoo! got my email- thanks Connie
    Will be playing catch up but excited to do something for me and so inpsired by what you have created xx

  8. Aahhh I am only finding out about this now... :( wish I could have been part of the journey, really need it.



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